Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ English version]

Ответы на самые часто задаваемые вопросы по подключению, оплате, настройкам и безопасности.
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Site Admin
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Зарегистрирован: 2019-май-20, 4:27 pm

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ English version]

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Q: Asus WL-520GC, connectivity troubles
A: in section [IP Config] - [WAN & LAN] - [Special Requirement from ISP] all three fields (Host Name, MAC Address, ***PPTP Server) must be empty. We recommend replace this router to new one.

Q: Which format preferred for send diagnostic data to support ?
A: We prefer plain-text, CSV for table-data.
Screenshots and photos only if copy-paste not accesible (game consoles, TV-STB).

Q: After virus incident LAN and internet don't work in Windows.
A: Cure viruses at first. After cleaning windows from malware run cmd.exe and execute next commands:

Код: Выделить всё

    netsh winsock reset catalog
    netsh interface ip reset resetlog.txt
    netsh interface reset all
    netsh firewall reset
Reboot of computer required after this commands. If this command has no effect - try boot to "Safe Mode". If "safe mode" fails, we recommend make clean reinstall of windows. Please avoid of "repacked" windows from unknown authors.

Q: Strange problems with connectivity, connect work unstable.
A: Download diagnostic script. Run script at problem time, wait for end and send log-file to support.
script for Windows save log in home directory
(ex, C:\Users\Documents and Settings\Ivan\WEBA_<date-of-check>.log)
P.S. We recommend run script from Administrator, for collect data about processes network activity.
P.S.S. Sometimes script saved as WEBA.bat.txt , in this case beed to remove .txt extension
(command rename WEBA.bat.txt WEBA.bat , or rename funcrtion in Explorer with option "Show files extensions").
script for Linux / MacOS / *BSD save log in file ~/WEBA_<date-of-check>.log
P.S. We recommend run scrrpt under su / sudo, for get detailed ICMP-Traceroute.
P.S.S. In *nix-systems scripts must have executable attribute (chmod +x, or run as bash-argument: bash ./
P.S. The problems often related to WiFi, for this separate theme created

Q: I has difficult problem, can you help over remote access tools ?
A: Yes. Download AnyDesk and say ID and password to support. We are ready to help over AmmyAdmin, VNC, RDP, SSH, Telnet, RAdmin or another tool with normal application.

Q: Only part of resourses worked (ex, can login to VK, not in email/skype/messenger)
A: Your PC possibly was hacked or infected, or security application tuned uncorrectly. Viruses of badly firewall block traffic partially. Also DNS-server address was changed on PC or router. Update router firmware to top version (also install OS updates), return correct settings, set strong passwords.

Q: Only client area and services of WEBA worked, all another don't work.
A: Your account is empty (need male payment) or internet was forcibly offed. Login to client area, check money balance and internet state.

Q: How to get balance and login (agreement number) ?
A: Some variants: Q: How to view date of discharge and list of payment services ?
A: Login to client area, open section [Payment] "Оплата", press link with detailed data about account and services "Детальные данные об аккаунте и услугах".

Q: Does exists automatic remembers of payments dates ?
A: Yes, by default in case of balance money insufficiency automatic email will bt sent and special robot call to mobile phone until 3 days before end of peroid. Email and mobile phone cab be changed in client area, section [payment - Billing] Оплата -> Биллинг. Under link detailed data about account and services "Детальные данные об аккаунте и услугах" your can disable automatic messages.

Q: Can i bind bank card for automatic payments ?
A: Yes, by this manual: viewtopic.php?t=8

Q: Does exists prefereable models of routers ?
A: We strongly recommend use dual-band routers (2.4 + 5 GHz, WiFi AC/AX) with middle-price. Actual model list and prices can be get from tech support. Top quality can be accesible on rich models of routers with open-source firmware.

Q: Can't remember login / agreement number. Can be logins shorter ?
A: For "Internet" accounts in 99.9% cases login number build by this template: xxHKF, where:
xx - two-digit number of connection region (street)
H - house number
K - building number
F - flat number

Connection regions:
01 Vitebskiy
02 Kosmonavtov
03 Tipanova
04 Gagarina
05 Zvyozdnaya
06 Ordhjonikidze
07 Zvyozdnaya #2
08 Pulkovskaya
09 Gastello
10 Lensoveta
11 Frunze
12 Moskovskiy
13 Pobedy
14 Varshavskaya
15 Blagodatnaya
16 Kuznetscovskaya
17 Sevastyanova
18 Cubinskaya
19 Mariinskaya
20 Novoizmaylovskiy
21 Reshetnikova
22 Sveaborgskaya
23 Yakovlevskiy
24 -- commercial companies --
25 Obukhovskoy Oborony
26 Turistskaya
27 Komendantskiy
28 Optikov
29 5-th Predportoviy proezd
Zeros at start postion in logins are important, especially at payments. For example you connect Internet at Kosmonavtov, h. 99, b. 3, fl. 77.You login (agreement number) will be 0299377. Exceptions are rare, but possible, check in clients area or in you paper of agreement.

Q: I forget my client area password. How to recover ?
A: Call to tech-support and ask about password for client area. Support will help to recover password.

Q: I forget WiFi password.
A: WiFi passwords set individually. Variants of solutions:
- If router was tuned by WEBA-support - call to support, in range of half-year warranty support help to reset password.
- If router was tuned by your - try connect to router over wired LAN and loginto router. Change WiFi password ion router web-UI.
- In internet exists lots of instruction for router reset. After router reset call to supportcan be possibly required for restore internet access.
- Carry router to WEBA-office at Tipanova, 40 - support can tune router again.

Q: In file-exchange services (BitTorrent, DC, gnutella) speed sufficiently less then in web-browser.
A: For this programs possibility to receive incoming connections so important. Make open ports (ex, 6881 for bittorrent), open this in firewall, make port-forward on router. Second variant - check that UPnP enbaled on router. It allow use more source for fast downloading.
Popularity of torrent also significant. Widely-known games and films can be downloaded extremely fast, but for rare data your must wait more long time until seeders appear.

Q: I has bad speed / no wifi / unstable.
A: For this questions exists measurement theme and WiFi theme

Q: How to check open ports on mys system ? Ex, port 6881 ?
A: The simplest way - use online-scanner. Visit to , press [Insert my IP-address], type of ports: [custom], enter number of ports, press [Start scan]. In results windows opened ports will be marked as "open".

Q: What ports NEVER must be open in public ?
A: Some ports can be attacked by hackers, ex, for infiltrate to LAN networks and make DDoS-attacks. Especial attention must be applied to this ports:
  • 80, 443, 8080, 8123. Web-servers or web-proxies. Access to this recommended to close or restrict by white-list.
  • 21, 22, 23. FTP/SSH/Telnet used for management and file transfer. They don't need for your, if your don't use this directly. Close of restrict by access-list.
  • 53. DNS. At bad configuration can be used by DDoS. Bad tuned mikrotik's can be vulnerable. For internet access only outgoing DNS-connections enough, make separated open port DONT NEED. If your don't host web-sites / NS-servers, this port must be closed/
  • 138, 139, 445. SMB/Netbios. Windows-PC directly connected. Very dangerous without updates. Move Windows-PC to protected LAN or close ports with firewall.
  • 1900. SSDP. Dangerous in terms of DDoS, windows-PC often vulnerable.
  • 3389, 5900. RDP/VNC (удалённый рабочий стол). Очень опасно при отсутствии обновлений или слабых паролях. При плохой защите можно получить опасное и деструктивное заражение вирусом-шифровальщиком.
Q: From my PC was maked DDoS-attack / embassy was hacked. What addirtional protect methods exists ? Can be internet disabled ? What law risks ?
A: Tune OS secure. For Windows we recommend use this manual:

At least don't work under administrator account.
Users of MacOS - don't input user password blindly, don't install software from unknown / suspicious sources.
Users of Linux - don't open SSH at 22 port with password authorization and test accounts with weak passwords. Passwords must be strong , особенно если есть средства удаленного доступа (AnyDesk, AmmyAdmin, Radmin, VNC, RDP, SSH и им подобные).
P.S. This manual older 10 year, but stay actual due to basic principles don't changed since windows-2000.

At attack detection internet access can be restricted due to agreement. Really only DoS/DDoS-attacks can initiate immediate link shutdown. We inform our clients in case of attacks / infections, dure to malicious activity make network experience so bad.

Q: Can i inspect my network traffic ?
A: Some methods exists:
  1. Install application-specified firewall. Ex, Outpost or antivirus-software like "Internet Security" product with firewall. In this case your can create report about network application activity.
  2. Use programs wireshark / tcpdump. In this dump your will see all your traffic packet-by-packet.
  3. Use routers with extended finctions like OpenDPI and netflow.
  4. Pass traffic over additional virtaul machine with network security appliences (firewall, snort, dpi, etc)
Q: My PC work strange, but a don't have second PC for make clean test. How to make test from clean system ?
A: Use LiveCD / LiveUSB. We recommend usage last version of Knoppix.
  1. Download iso-file from here or from any public mirror.
  2. Burn ISO to DVD-media or sector-to-sector by tool dd, unetbootin or UltraISO.
    Example manual: ... oj-fleshki
  3. Boot PC from usb-flash or disc.
  4. When knoppix booted, open browser and check internet connect. Also you can run diagnistic script from knoppix.
P.S. In case of troubles our support can help make bootable USB-flash drive with Knoppix.

Q: I has IP-TV problems. How to fix ?
A: At first in client area press button [Status and password of IP-TV] "Статус и пароль IPTV" for check binded TV-channels package. You can change IPTV-passwords, which used in Smotreshka "Смотрёшка" apllication on STB. If this don't help - call to support with detailed description of problem.

Q: My iPhone/iPad can't connect to Wi-Fi, but laptop and android devices connect correctly.
A: Check firmware versions at apple device and router. Check WiFi credentials : spaces, non-english or other strange symbols can occur problems. Check Wifi-setting in router web-UI or by wifi-monitoring tools, what subchannels like 13 don't used.

Q: Router reset settings after power problem.
A: Problem caused by quality of firmware or flash-memory.
  1. Update firmware.
  2. For D-Link DIR-series disable TR-069.
  3. Restore setting in support or manually.
  4. If router fault frequently more then 1 per year - change router.
Q: I has two PC, but no router. Can i band two devices ?
A: Only for buyed additional IP-addresses. Other way - use only one MAC-address (clone MAC), or buy router.

Q: I use option "Clone MAC-адрес", inet work but unstable.
A: Not all routers realize this function correctly. We recommend disable this option and call to support for bind default MAC of WAN port. In this case internet access will not break after router reset.

Q: I buy in client area antivirus / game / software. Who make support for this software ?
A: Buyed software are fully legal licensed products supported by original companies.
Since april-2022 Rentsoft company stop activity. Early buyed software must work all payed periods, but subscription continue don't accesible. We strongly recommended switch to OpenSource software.

Q: I want to check resource accesibility from your networks. Do you have Looking Glass service ?
A: Yes, our Looking Glass placed here:

Q: How to make picture with QR-code for fast WiFi-connects from mobile devices ?
A: Are lot of service exists. We make mirror of
This code make QR locally in browser, no data sended away. You can boot this page in separate virtual machine, detach VM from network and only in full-offline generate QR-code with WiFi-password.